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Website Maintenance & Support Services

Website Maintenance is necessary for keeping your website up-to-date regularly that helps to keep your website in top position because most of the peoples are using internet everywhere, so having your website up-to date is very important.

A well maintained website engages the customer loyalty and lures in new customers. Google also gives priority to websites which regularly present new content and keep updating on multiple levels, thereby the website maintenance makes significant contribution to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) also. If a website isn’t consistently maintained the viewers very soon regard the website as obsolete and outdated. Software security updates are also an added package in Website Maintenance.

Why Website Maintenance is important for your business?

Website Maintenance plays a vital role to run your business successful. Because these days Website has become must for every business which is a source of revenue generation and online identify for their business. WebRNC is one of the best Website Design Company India, offer affordable Website Maintenance Services that helps to increase the Search Engines Ranking.

Website maintenance will develop your company’s brand image and helps to increase your customers and visitors because they will visit the site only if the site contains updated content. Search Engines also prefer updated content. The main advantage of the Website Maintenance is that your website will get appropriate attention from Search Engine like Google, Bing, Yahoo etc.

WordPress Maintenance Checklist

1. Website Backups

Back-up core files that make your website work! (can also backup WordPress natively via FTP as well as backup the MySQL database via your hosting account’s cPanel or PhpMyAdmin).

2. Software Updates

  • Apply available security patches / updates
  • Update & Maintain content management system updates i.e. Upgrade WordPress to the latest version
  • Upgrade all plugins to their latest version to maintain stability
  • Backup existing custom WP theme
  • Ensure that the site is not vulnerable
  • Remove any unneeded website extensions
  • Remove any inactive website administrators

3. Check for Broken Links

  • Run link checker to crawl site and look for broker links that frustrate users and reduce search engine rankings
  • Check for 404 (Page not found) errors and fix link or set up redirect
  • Update broken links, broken images, etc.

4. Site Speed

  • Check website load time to identify load time issues
  • Use Google PageSpeed Insights to identify issues that might slow down site
  • Use Google Analytics to spot trends (good or bad) in site performance (Go to Behavior > Site Speed > Overview

5. Search Engine Optimization

  • Check Google Webmaster Tools for any crawl errors.
  • Identify structural issues with site that may affect how search engines view our site
  • Identify new referrers that are sending traffic to your site.(In Google Analytics go to Acquisition > All Referrals)
  • Make recommendations to freshen content on website

6. Analytics

  • Create a Google Analytics dashboard to highlight the most important metrics for your site.
  • Look for trends (good or bad) in your key metrics.

7. Functionality

  • Test any important functionality (i.e. working contact/signup forms, donation forms, etc.) to make sure everything is secure and working properly
  • Test website across all internet browsers and multiple devices and provide feedback

8. Administrative / Operation Management IT Tools

  • Domain, Hosting and Dedicated IP address management – remind you when things are due to expire to ensure smooth operation.
  • Update your copyright date in your footer and update other date references.
  • Ensure any dated content is up to date.

What should we consider in Regular website maintenance?

Website maintenance is not as simple as it meets the eye. If you are searching for website maintenance service in India, then you need a trusted hand who can handle all eventualities. Some of the most important criteria that go into website maintenance are listed below.

Performance Checkup

Regular performance analysis on the website, including load times and search engine optimization make sure that your website is always firing on all cylinders! Less loading delay means more conversion!

Fixes and Enhancements

Time and technologies keep changes according to the audience requirements. Routine updates and fixes ensure that all broken links are fixed, and plugins updated, among others.

Content and Backup

Content needs to be refreshed and organize to keep audiences engaged. Further, content is king and the golden way to gain brownie points in rankings. Back up is necessary to ensure continuity.

Functionality Check

A quarterly review of all activities and images and their need and relevance. Also includes elimination of spam comments, benchmarking against competition and checking statistics to ensure we are on top of the game.

Tech Support

WebRNC offers reliable tech support, and we are among the best companies offering web maintenance services India. 365× 24 × 7, we are always there for you! No task is too difficult and no challenge is too far for us!

Hack and Virus Proof

Routine security scans help to detect vulnerabilities and deliver quick fixes. Being a leading web development company in India, we work with leading security brands and ensure that you are covered with the latest security patches and updates relevant to your domain.

Website Maintenance Services in WebRNC Technologies

Website maintenance is not as simple as it meets the eye. If you are searching for website maintenance service in India, then you need a trusted hand who can handle all eventualities. Some of the most important criteria that go into website maintenance are listed below.

  • We remove the old events, news and product/service information and replace it to the latest one.
  • Eliminate the broken links and create link to the existing website page.
  • Uploading new images on the website.
  • Change any date/time related business information.
  • Format the website database for decreasing the website loading time.
  • Make changes in content, if required.


Provides Security to website

  • Updated fresh Content
  • Regular check-up for website
  • Create more traffic
  • Attract more customers to the website